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Dutch number

The Netherlands, or Holland as it’s often known, has a relatively straightforward phone number system. Understanding the basic structure and dialing formats can be helpful for anyone planning a trip or communicating with people in the Netherlands.

Structure of Dutch Phone Numbers

A Dutch phone number typically consists of ten digits. The general format is: 0XXX XXX XXX.

  • 0: The initial “0” is the country code for the Netherlands.
  • XXX XXX XXX: These are the seven digits representing the actual phone number.

Dialing Formats

Domestic Calls:

International Calls to the Netherlands: To call a Dutch number from abroad, dial the country code +31 followed by the full 9-digit number (without the leading “0”). For example, to call a Dutch number from the US, you would dial +31 XXX XXX XXX.

International Calls from the Netherlands: To make an international call from the Netherlands, dial “00” followed by the country code and the phone number. For example, to call the US from the Netherlands, you would dial 00 1 followed by the area code and phone number.

Middle East Mobile Number List

Special Number Types

  • Mobile numbers: While there’s no specific prefix for mobile numbers, they generally follow the same 10-digit format as other numbers.
  • Freephone numbers: These start with 0800 and are free for the caller.  
  • Premium rate numbers: These numbers usually start with 0900 and incur charges for the caller.

Important Considerations

  • Emergency number: The emergency HTTP Status Code 400: Bad Request number in the Netherlands is 112.  
  • Mobile number portability: The Netherlands has implemented mobile number portability, allowing users to switch mobile networks without changing their number.
  • Area codes: While there’s no strict area code system like in some countries, certain number ranges might be associated with specific geographic regions.

A Note on Dutch Phone Number Pronunciation

When speaking a Dutch phone number, it’s customary to group the numbers in pairs. For example, the number 06 12 34 56 78 would be pronounced as “nul zes, twaalf, drie vier, vijf zes, zeven acht.”  

Dutch Phone Numbers: A Brief Overview

By understanding these basic guidelines, you can confidently make calls to and from the Netherlands.

Would you like to know more about specific types of Dutch phone numbers, such as VoIP numbers or mobile number portability?

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